Advisory committees 2024
Biomedical Sciences
Prof. Dr. Teun BousemaEpidemiology of tropical infectious diseasesRADBOUD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTRE
Prof. Dr. Hanneke HulstNeuropsychologyLeiden University
Prof. Dr. Jurgen MarteijnMolecular geneticsERASMUS UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER
Prof. Dr. Louis VermeulenMolecular oncologyAMSTERDAM UMC - LOCATION VUMC
Dr. Marthe WalvoortChemical GlycobiologyUNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN
Prof. Dr. Brigitte AdriaensenSpanish Literature and CultureRADBOUD UNIVERSITY
Prof. Dr. Alessandra ArcuriInternational economic lawERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM
Prof. Dr. Sven DupréHistory of art, science and technologyUTRECHT UNIVERSITY
Prof. Dr. Merel KeijzerEnglish Linguistics and English as a Second LanguageUNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN
Prof. Dr. Jeroen De RidderPhilosophyVU AMSTERDAM
Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Marleen KampermanPolymer chemistryUNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN
Prof. Dr. Nicole De VoogdMarine ZoologyLEIDEN UNIVERSITY /Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Dr. Beatrice BongaGravity and Gravitational WavesRadboud University
Dr. Efstratios GavvesMachine Learning Dynamics, Causal Computer Vision, AI and ScienceUniversity of Amsterdam
Prof. Guido van der WerfMeteorology and Air QualityVU AMsterdam
Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Nienke Van AtteveldtNeuroscience and SocietyVU AMSTERDAM
Prof. Dr. Roshan CoolsCognitive NeuropsychiatryRadboud University
Prof. Dr. Martijn GroenleerPublic AdministrationTilburg University
Dr. Anouk De KoningSocial Citizenship and MigrationLEIDEN UNIVERSITY
Prof. Dr. Tatiana FilatovaComputational EconomicsDelft University of Technology