
May 29, 2016

​Vici for Majid

Asifa Majid researches the cultural variations in language and cognition relating to scents or odours. For her research proposal Human olfaction at the intersection of language, culture and biology Majid received the NWO Vici grant. The Vici grant consists of a sum of one and a half million euros.

Vici is part of the innovation programme from NWO which consists of Veni, Vidi and Vici. Scientists at different stages of their careers are enabled to carry out groundbreaking research. The Veni is intended for recently graduated researchers, Vidi, for researchers who have carried out several years of research after receiving their PhDs and the Vici grants are awarded to senior researchers who have demonstrated the ability to develop their own lines of research.

Click here for more information and a detailed description of Asifa Majid’s research proposal.