
May 28, 2016

​Klaver receives Vici 2014

Caroline Klaver investigates how genes and the environment together lead to myopia and how to avoid this. This is an urgent issue, because nearsightedness with high-strength spectacles is becoming more and more frequent and can lead to blindness. Klaver was awarded the prestigious NWO Vici-grant for her research “Towards solving MYOPia: from genes to PATHways using an integrated approach. MYOP-PATH”, the award consists of a sum of one and a half million euros.

Vici is part of the innovation programme from NWO and consists of Veni, Vidi and Vici. Scientists at different stages of their careers are enabled to carry out groundbreaking research. The Veni is intended for recently graduated researchers, Vidi, for researchers who have carried out several years of research after receiving their PhDs and the Vici grants are awarded to senior researchers who have demonstrated the ability to develop their own line of research. More information can be found here together with a detailed description of the research plan of Caroline Klaver.