Start nomination period Ammodo Science Award 2026
Ammodo attaches great importance to unfettered fundamental scientific research. To give extra stimulus to this type of research Ammodo established the Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research in 2014.
Since 2015 every other year eight laureates have received a cash prize of 300,000 euros each. This amount has been increased to EUR 350,000 from the 2023 edition. The laureates can spend this amount at their discretion on a fundamental scientific research project.
In addition to the Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research, Ammodo presents the Ammodo Science Award for groundbreaking research every two years from 2020 onwards. The Ammodo Science Award for groundbreaking research demonstrates appreciation for jointly conducted research that is internationally recognised, high quality and potentially groundbreaking.
As of 2020, Ammodo will therefore present an Ammodo Science Award every year; in even years the Ammodo Science Award for groundbreaking research and in odd years the Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research.
Read all about the Award Science Award for groundbreaking research here.
Ammodo supports the development of arts, architecture and science by contributing to innovative projects in arts, projects in social and ecological architecture, and cutting-edge scientific research. Ammodo also produces documentaries to increase the visibility of pioneers in their fields.
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